
About Initium Creative

Creating engaging experiences to communicate effectively.

Our Identity

Initium [ in-ish-ee-uh m ]


1.  to begin, start or initiate

Initium Creative was named for the purpose and culture of our business. We partner with our clients to help them communicate their business more creatively. 

To find out more about our culture and why we believe so strongly in great communication and creativity, click on the Our Culture tab to the right. 

To see how we approach the creative process and what you can expect when working with us, click on the last tab to view Our Method.

Create. Communicate. Engage.

Initium Creative is founded on 4 core values; clear and honest communication, valuing individuals, embracing creativity & finding  joy in all we do. It is our goal to incorporate these values into any project we take on. Because of these core values, we become miners, pulling the gold of your business into a beautiful presentation that communicates who you are. 

Our purpose is to help bring greater communication through creativity and design for our clients and community. 

We believe that life is enriched and strengthened from brilliant communication, seeing and calling out the values of individuals, innovative ideas and the creation of engaging design/art. 

We strive to bring this to all our clients in whatever need they have, whether in web design, video and/or audio production, branding and strategic engagement.

What to expect when working with us.

Our first step in any project is to get to know our client and what they are wanting to communicate and why. This helps get the creative juices flowing for everyone.

We then take what was discussed and dig deeper with research and start to develop further ideas that we then communicate to our client. Once we have a game plan, we move on to executing it. 

Throughout the process of any project, we strive to be great communicators and encourage that same quality from our clients to achieve the best possible result. We believe that great communication and investing time into our clients will only strengthen the end product and relationship. 

If you are ready to get started in this conversation, please click on the button below and we will get in touch with you to setup a meeting.

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